Thursday, May 26, 2011

Very Pinteresting

I just joined Pinterest.  Have you heard of it yet?  Apparently it's new. And it is such an awesome way to archive all your favorite internet craft projects, recipes, and inspiration.  I've been just adding stuff to my Favorites folder, which has exploded.  Pinterest is cool because you can actually see photos of all the things you are pinterested in, which makes it very easy to find that felt bow headband idea again three months from now when you actually have time to make it.

Here are some of my pintersts...

I'll keep you updated with my new pinterests as they come. 

Are you on Pinterest?  Let me know--I would love to check out your boards. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Bridal Shower Tea Party

I had the honor of throwing my good friend Leslie a tea party for her bridal shower, and I am so excited to share our memories with you. Leslie and I are very alike, so I knew she would love an elegant tea. Her and her mom's jaws dropped as they walked in--just the reaction I was hoping for. The day was so relaxing (once we were done rushing around preparing everything in time for the guests to arrive). We said a prayer and had lunch and tea, of course. Lunch was great because it gave everyone a chance to sit awhile and enjoy one another's company. Then we took photos in the photo booth and played a couple of non-embarrassing games. (More on this later.) And last, Leslie opened her presents. (You need to see her china!)

The bridesmaids each brought food. One made cinnamon cup cakes. Yum! (Check out her bakery's Facebook page.) And you have to have a tiered plate stand at a tea party, so my mom-in-law bought me this one, and I was able to decorate it with purple ribbon to match Leslie's wedding theme. Perfect!

We had so much delicious food.  Our tea party was a feast!  And do you see the tiered platters of sandwiches? My church had just bought that piece before the shower.  I was very excited when I walked into the church kitchen one Sunday and the perfect tea party sandwich server stood before me.

Here are a couple shots of the whole room.  We had it in my church's Fellowship Room (the same room where I had my wedding reception).


See the photo booth in the back left corner?

Here are some close ups of the tables. 

We were able to borrow antique tea pots from Leslie's grandmother. And Leslie's mother-in-law-to-be, Kathy, had a large collection of antique teacups.  Each one is a different pattern.  I was so excited about this--it was just the look I was wanting. Kathy also brought those lovely glass plates.  We also had plates of assorted teas for the guests to choose from. My mom helped me sew up the floral cloth napkins.  And each center piece of potted flowers became a prize for the games. Gotta love purchases that do double duty.

My mom and I had a wonderful time planning and decorating together.
Thank you, Mom!

I have some tutorials lined up on how we planned this shindig, so stay tuned!

*The top nine photos and the bottom photo are by Jamie Lockard.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Crochet Bow

I found an adorable pattern for a crochet bow yesterday.

I found the pattern on Creative Yarn. It's part of a pattern for the cutest crochet beret I've ever seen.  (I must make that beret, too.) For now I'm just having fun with the bow pattern.  This bow is part of a Christmas present I'm finishing up today.  Yup, I'm on it.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Video: Hey Lady!

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.

This is not a battle for the guys to fight alone.  We are one body.

I don't think we, women, really understand this battle until we hear about it from a Christian guy and we really understand the importance of building up one another. You have to care about God's kingdom before you care about the way you dress.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Oh the Cuteness!

I can't handle the cuteness.

It makes me so giddy.

And then my hubby makes fun of me... he hands me the camera.

Friday, May 20, 2011

A Little Herb Garden

Okay, it's really just a couple herbs in a pot.  But I live in a third floor apartment with a little balcony (which I am SO thankful for) so this is my little herb garden.

This is apparently the time to plant herbs, the spring.  My mom gave me this bit of information. I do not normally garden (I kill cactus), but I really like fresh herbs so I thought I would give it a shot.  Miss Scruffy helped.

I planted parsley and basil because I love Italian food.  My lasagna just doesn't turn out the same if I use dried parsley, and I enjoy tossing fresh basil in a pot of Cambell's tomato soup.  Now I just need to learn to chop this stuff like the pros. (I'll have to look for a how-to video on YouTube.)

So what are your favorite herbs?  If you plan on planting some you better hurry--spring is almost gone!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday Video: You Are NOT This Dog

Cute video.  Encouraging message.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Miss Scruffy is Still Scruffy

I didn't name my dog; her first owner did.  (I did add the "Miss." Her name need some girlifying.) She was appropriately named. Skittish, Squeamish, Sleepy or Won't-Stop-Pooping-on-my-Carpet would have been appropriate as well, but wouldn't have been near as cute.  And cute she is.  Look at Miss Scruffy.  She just got groomed for the first time and she is workin' it.

 Well, she did for about 10 seconds.  Grooming is exhausting.

Here she is after her nap.

The groomer did such a great job.  She maintained the integrity of Miss Scruffy's scruffiness, but now Miss Scruffy can see. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

God's Faithfulness through Confusion

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Circumstances of the last month have called my attention away from blogging. (Obviously, since I haven't posted since April 1st.) For Michael and I, it has been a month of accessing our finances and finding ways to make up for my lost income, examining our priorities, and for me, a lot of introspection. I know that is vague, but for now, I wish to keep these struggles of the last month private. I just wanted to briefly explain why I've been away from ContentEwe.

It’s been a month of confusion but also answers, because our God is not a god of confusion. And He does not leave us alone in our trials. When circumstances get rough, God is good at showing His love even more powerfully.  God has shown me His love through my husband.  This month Michael has been my anchor, leader, advocate and ally.  When I would lose strength to pray, I would ask him to pray for me, and I have seen his prayers being answered. This encouragement and love has brought me strength.  We are a team, and it is beautiful to see God training us as a team. God proves Himself to be faithful, even when I feel too weak to have faith.  When I’m weak, He brings others to pray and listen and help me walk again.  Though, I usually have to reach out for that help; I have to yield my pride.

God is faithful to bring strength and faithful to provide.  Michael plays hand bells, and last month two different churches paid him to play in their hand bell choirs.  I came with him to both performances, and I remember praying while he played at one, “Lord, is this music as sweet to anyone else in this church?  For me, this is a song of your faithfulness.”  The song they played is called Pax.  The Lord is our peace. We can cast our cares to Him.

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