It has been almost two years since I have written on this blog, and I want to share why.
I have been away because God answered my prayers in a way I did not foresee. (Isn’t that how He normally works?) He also answered my prayers in a way that I did not want and in a way that blows my mind because He is so amazing.
I just read
my last post, and couldn’t help but get emotional thinking of all that God has
done in the last couple years. I had
It is time for me to be still before God so that when He
says, “Go,” I can say, “Here I am,” instead of, “I should be there. Why
did you put me here?”
There have
been two instances since then when God has said “Go” and by His grace and
strength, I was able to say “Here I am.” The first instance happened a month
after I wrote my last post, and to be honest, at the time I did not see it as a
“here-I-am-send-me” moment.
I need to
take a step back and give a bit more back story. I wrote my last blog post following a
breakdown in my car in an HEB parking lot after seeing a mom pushing her baby
in a shopping cart. Yup, that's all it took. I just started bawling, asking God
why I couldn’t have kids now. Michael wanted to wait to start a family until we
paid off our school loans, and that was going to take six or more years if
nothing changed. And things did change—my hours were cut at one of my
part time jobs because my position didn't have a full-time equivalent.
(Retirement issues were involved. I'll spare you the details.)

A couple weeks later, my Bible study teacher said off hand, “We do not need to worry about money. God controls the storehouses.” That truth struck me. God could provide a way for us to pay off our loans, no problem. I finally rested in Him.
A couple
weeks after that, I received an email from my boss asking if any of the part-time
tutors (of which I was one) were interested in a full-time position. The
college had decided to make a full-time equivalent to my part-time
position. If I got this job, it would be the answer to our prayer.
There was
one glaring problem. I have panic
attacks. And this job opportunity scared me.
I did not. In fact, a week later I was offered the position. Still, I feared the new work environment, the new people, the new job tasks, and that all these things would trigger panic attacks. But I had to say yes, and I believed God would give me the strength I needed to walk in the path He had laid before me.

God was melting away the frost of fear that paralyzes those
it possesses.
I was facing
the hardest trial I had experienced up to this point. Through the trial, I
often sang these words:
In Christ alone my hope is found;
He is my light, my strength, my song;
This cornerstone, this solid ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My comforter, my all in all—
Here in the love of Christ I stand....No guilt in life, no fear in death—
This is the pow'r of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home—
Here in the pow'r of Christ I'll stand.
I know these words to be true. I know what it is to stand
solely in Christ's strength because the mental battle has stripped away all of my
own. And because of this, I know "the hope of His calling, what are the
riches of the glory of the inheritance in the saints, and what is the
surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe" (Ephesians
Michael would read Ephesians 1 to me so I could fall asleep
at night. He would play a song He found for me, Blessings by Laura Story. He would text me a verse, Psalm
55:22, to encourage me on a day I needed encouragement: "Cast your burden
upon the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be
shaken." He would patiently listen to my faint voice on the other end of
the phone when I did have panic attacks at work. God had given me in Michael an earthly rock who
points me to my spiritual rock, Christ Jesus.
I wrote the verse Michael sent me on a note card along with other promises
in Scripture, and pinned it to a wall of my cubicle. The righteous feed on God's Word, and it was
His Word that brought me through this trial still standing.
Through all
this, I know God as my Provider. When my hours were cut and we didn't see how
we could pay off our debt, God was all the while working to provide a way. He allowed my hours to be cut, so that He
could create a full-time position for me. God can create opportunities out of
nothing. (Can we expect any less from a God who created the universe out of
nothing?) I can no longer doubt God in my tough circumstances, or at least I
shouldn't! Through that job, we were able to pay off all of our debt in 6
months rather than 6 years! But I knew God had given me the job in order to do
something more in my life. He provided a chance for me to overcome my anxiety and build my
confidence in Him.
God matured my faith in so many ways through that job—namely He
showed me I can live in Christ's strength when I have no strength of my own (a
lesson I needed to learn in order to say yes to the next time He would say
"go"). I also only had to work that job for a year and a half
until God would lead me back home where I desired to be, as a stay-at-home mom.